Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Social Justice Argument Topics: For Consistent Results, Not Controversy

Social Justice Argument Topics: For Consistent Results, Not ControversyThere are some social justice argument topics that are both controversial and dangerous. Many advocates on the left think they should use this tactic to shut down a controversial speech. If this tactic is ever effective, you can be sure it will eventually drive away free speech supporters.One of the biggest social justice argument topics is abortion. It is a heated issue because many people think abortion is a woman's right to have a child. Others believe that having an abortion without a doctor's supervision is illegal. Both arguments have merit, but if either side does not understand science, they can hurt women.Abortion is harmful to the health of a mother and her baby. Women who choose to have an abortion need medical care. They can also face trouble getting pregnant in the future.Many pro-life organizations try to use social issues to scare up money to support their cause. They have figured out that many peop le oppose abortion and so do not want them to get the money they need to stay in business. If they lose the money, they will fold their doors or close their offices, sometimes both.Those on the left often suggest that these pro-life groups use their social issues to tell people that abortion is not moral. It is a good idea to point out this is not a moral issue and therefore not an important issue to take up.The fact is that abortion is an important issue. However, it is not one that can be used to scare people into stopping them from supporting their beliefs. Most people know the facts and support abortion for personal reasons. However, they also know that if there are problems with their unborn child, it would be better if they could be saved.It is time to stop using social issues to scare people away from supporting life. It is a time to educate people on the facts of life and how to respect one another's opinions. It is a time to discuss how important this topic is and the value of life.Social justice argument topics should never be used to shut down debate or scare people away from supporting life. Instead, they should be used to promote common sense and raise awareness about issues that affect people's lives.

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